Who We Are
We are a passionate group of people engaged in an exciting mission—impacting the world through transformational education at Livingstone Adventist Academy. Our product is clear thinking, compassionate, authentic young leaders. Please take a few minutes to get acquainted with us by exploring our website. And if you find your heart resonating with our mission, consider joining us!

We have one mission - Livingstone Adventist Academy students! We don't build buildings, we don't purchase equipment, we don't fund operations. We simply provide financial aid so that students can enroll at Livingstone Adventist Academy. That is all we do!
History & Vision
Livingstone Foundation 4 Education was incorporated in 2019 as a 501 (c)3 charitable organization to raise, prudently manage and steward an Endowment Fund. According to the Bylaws, the sole purpose of the Endowment is to award scholarships to qualified young people making it possible for them to engage in Livingstone Adventist Academy's life-transforming education.
As of October 2022, the Livingstone Foundation 4 Education Endowment Fund has over $100,000 in assets. The cost of providing a private education is significant and it continues to climb. Therefore, the Foundation is positioning itself for continuous growth. As president Rodney Janssen says, "Continuing to grow is paramount to our mission. Our 2-3 year goal is to reach $500,000, and then the next goal will be to double that amount. Ultimately our goal is to grow the Endowment to the point that the School and the Oregon Conference can count on the Foundation to fulfill all the scholarship needs of motivated students who wish to attend Livingstone Adventist Academy."
Interested students may complete the Livingstone Foundation 4 Education Scholarship Application.
Endowment Fund
To accomplish our mission, we are raising and managing an Endowment - a pool of money that is invested. Each year a portion of the income or interest is drawn off and awarded to students who need financial assistance in order to enroll at Livingstone Adventist Academy. We never touch the principal. Once a gift is given, it is always there working, generating income for student scholarships.
Management of Livingstone Foundation 4 Education is by a volunteer Board of Directors. The board consists of forward-thinking alumni and friends of LAA. They oversee all aspects of the Foundation, including fundraising, investing, and awarding of scholarships.

Meet Our Board Of Directors

Darrell Michel, Member
Our Impact
Livingstone Foundation 4 Education was organized in 2019. Our goal is to award as many scholarships as possible per year without impacting the principal of the endowment fund. These scholarships will deeply affect the individual students that receive them.

Ultimately it is the goal of Livingstone Foundation 4 Education to be able to support every qualifying student in his/her quest to attend LAA. However, until we reach our financial objectives, we may have to decline some students. Consideration is given on a first come, first served and greatest-need basis.
Livingstone Foundation 4 Education offers scholarships to students who demonstrate financial need. To verify need parents will be asked to submit the first page of their IRS Form 1040 which shows family size and AGI. We also consider other factors such as number of students in private school, recent job losses, or medical challenges.
All applications are reviewed by the Livingstone Foundation 4 Education Committee and families are notified just prior to the beginning of the school year. The deadline for scholarship applications is July 31. For a second semester grant, the deadline is December 31.

Our Endowment
Gregory Dufault is currently Managing Director-Investments at Dufault, Smith and Meeuwsen Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors. Greg has been a registered investment professional since 1983. Greg’s practice consists of a blend of endowment, retirement, corporate, and individual assets under management exceeding $250,000,000.
Greg joined Wells Fargo Advisors in January 2007 and is a member of the Premier Advisors Program, a distinction held by a select group of Financial Advisors within Wells Fargo Advisors as measured by completion of educational components, business production and professionalism. Additional criteria, including length of service, may also be used to determine recipients.
Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, member SIPC.

When you give to Livingstone Foundation 4 Education endowment, you are assuring that students who desire a Christian education at Livingstone Adventist Academy, get that life-transforming opportunity.
Your gift will be securely managed by Dufault, Smith and Meeuwsen Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors, a professional investment firm. The principal will be invested while the income from investment will support students in their quest for a Christian education. Your contribution is tax-deductible as Livingstone Foundation 4 Education is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization.
*Gift Acceptance Policy
Livingstone Foundation 4 Education solicits and accepts gifts to further and fulfill its mission. To protect its endowment and to assure that the wishes of its donors are fulfilled, the Livingstone Foundation 4 Education Board of Directors has adopted the following guidelines for accepting donations.
Cash GiftsA cash gift, through check, money order or credit card, is the most popular type of charitable gift Livingstone Foundation 4 Education receives. You can make gifts using a credit card by clicking on GIVE.
Marketable SecuritiesMarketable securities that are unrestricted may be delivered to Livingstone Foundation 4 Education with the transferor's endorsement or signed stock power (with appropriate signature guarantees) attached. In most cases, marketable securities will be sold promptly upon receipt.
Bequests and Beneficiary DesignationsDonors are encouraged to make bequests to Livingstone Foundation 4 Education through their wills, and to name Livingstone Foundation 4 Education as a beneficiary in their trusts (including Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Lead Trusts}*, commercial annuities and retirement plans. *Livingstone Foundation 4 Education will assist in the preparation of documents for various trusts at no cost to the donor if Livingstone Foundation 4 Education is named as the majority beneficiary.
Tangible Personal PropertyProposed gifts of tangible personal property must be assessed with the following criteria: Does the property further Livingstone Foundation 4 Education's mission? Is the property marketable? Are there any unacceptable restrictions imposed on the property? Are there any carrying costs for the property for which Livingstone Foundation 4 Education may be responsible? Does the donor hold clear title to the property?
Life InsuranceLivingstone Foundation 4 Education will accept gifts of life insurance where Livingstone Foundation 4 Education is named as both beneficiary and irrevocable owner of the insurance policy. The donor must agree to pay, before due, any future premium payments owed on the policy.
Real EstatePrior to acceptance of any gift of real estate, Livingstone Foundation 4 Education will conduct an initial site review of the property. In the event the initial review reveals a potential problem, the organization may require the donor to have a qualified environmental firm conduct an environmental audit. Criteria for acceptance of gifts of real estate include: Is the property useful for the organization's purposes? Is the property readily marketable? Are there covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, encumbrances or other limitations associated with the property? Are there carrying costs (including insurance, property taxes, mortgages, notes, or the like) or maintenance expenses associated with the property? Does the environmental review or audit reflect that the property is damaged or otherwise requires remediation?
Marketable Securities with Restriction(s)In instances where a security is restricted, for example, by applicable securities laws or the terms of the proposed gift, the Board of Directors shall determine whether to accept the gift.
Memorial DonationsMany alumni and friends designate Livingstone Foundation 4 Education to receive memorial donations, in lieu of flowers. These donations accomplish two things: they help grow the endowment and they help us make new friends. If you choose to designate Livingstone Foundation 4 Education to receive memorial donations, we will notify you of every gift received, and of course, we promptly send the donor a tax-deductible receipt and a thank you letter. Thank you for keeping Livingstone Foundation 4 Education in mind when you lose a loved one.
Matching GiftsMany corporations and businesses match their employees’ charitable gifts with a contribution of equal or greater value. A matching gift may be initiated by completing your company’s matching gift form and sending it with your gift to Livingstone Foundation 4 Education. Check with your human resources or personnel office to determine if your employer has a matching gift program and if your gift qualifies for a corporate match.
Gifts that Livingstone Foundation 4 Education Cannot AcceptLivingstone Foundation 4 Education cannot accept gifts that (a) would result in Livingstone Foundation 4 Education violating its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, (b) would result in Livingstone Foundation 4 Education losing its status as an IRS 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization, (c) are too difficult or too expensive to administer in relation to their value, (d) would result in any potential or actual unacceptable consequences for Livingstone Foundation 4 Education, or (e) for purposes outside Livingstone Foundation 4 Education's mission. Decisions on the restrictive nature of a gift, and its acceptance or refusal, shall be made by the Board of Directors upon recommendation from the Executive Committee.